About us

Bro. JAO and Sis. Fier Vergara
Bro. Japheth and Sis. Thesa Vergara

We are a group of Christians who by the Grace of God have been saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We come from independent locale congregations who, like other disciples of Jesus Christ, all by His Grace, we too  experience the strength and courage to respond to the Great Commission commanded by the Lord as written in Matthew 28:19-20. We also Glorify the Lord for the examples set by the Apostles and early Church Elders and Deacons, to which we believe we too can contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of preaching the Gospel.

We also respond to the changing time with utmost care of the Word of God by continually doing evangelism activities, discipleship programs, and activities to serve God and others.

SEEDSmoment initiative started in 2018 as a (couple goals) mission work of two brothers Joey Arles and Japheth Jay, together with their wife - Fieraline and Thesa respectively. one from Northern Mindanao, Philippines. It was initially conceptualized to just be a ministry of help, focusing on medical emergency assistance. However, by God's grace and providence, the ministry of help was elevated by the Lord into what it is now.

Currently, we are partnering with the brothers and sisters in Ampayon Church of Christ for  some activities to reach out High School and College students in the nearby schools of their locality. looking for more servants and partners in the ministry to contribute not just in preaching the Gospel, but also on expressing brotherly love through actual act of service and help (see our mission and collaboration tab).  We believe that the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ do not just on encouraging fellow disciples of Christ to help spread the Gospel in whatever platform and access we can, but also on helping the needy like orphans, widows, and underprivilege students. 

We are all saved by God through His Son Jesus Christ for free, thus we help spread the Gospel of the Lord and God Jesus Christ for free. We believe that God, by His overwhelming providence and grace, the activities we do is supported by hearty giving from brothers and sisters in Christ, and we also DO NOT collect any material nor financial support. Thus, all materials you can get from this site are free for personal study and evangelism use (except the photos to which due recognition and appropriate ownership applies). 



An active brotherhood of clinging to what is good, devoting to one another in brotherly love, and honoring one another (Romans 12:9-10)


Great ComMISSION (Matthew 28:19-20) from Caraga and beyond, through establishing partnerships with other groups or individuals who shares the same love for the ministry of our Lord and God Jesus Christ.


Justice, Mercy, Faithfulness (Matthew 23:23)