Missions & Collaborations

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Every good Christian takes joy in actively participating in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We, in the SEEDSMOMENT, do participate in the Great Commission by integrating evangelism efforts in our respective workplaces, campuses, communities, social media, and more. This we do because we heed to the command of the Lord of sharing the Gospel.

Not all of our partners may be physically present, but with their support in prayers, motivation, and finances is of great contribution to the program.

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Every good Christian takesjoy in actively participating in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We, in the SEEDSMOMENT, do participate in the Great Commission by integrating evangelism efforts in our respective workplaces, campuses, communities, social media, and more. This we do because we heed to the command of the Lord of sharing the Gospel.

Not all of our partners may be physically present, but with their support in prayers, motivation, and finances is of great contribution to the program.

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One compelling identity of the church is the love for one another. The literal expression of helping each other.

We, in SEEDSMOMENT, do extend any form of psycho- socio-economic help to others, most especially those in the household of faith. Aside from the need for spiritual food and eternal security in the Kingdom of God, every human has basic right to live. Thus, we extend some assistance to brothers.

It is with this basic right that we respond to provide for the immediate needs of people in challenging situations and unforeseen events of life.

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Loving-kindness is best express in the act of volunteerism. It is when a loving person offers any form of volunteer work compensation.

We, in SEEDSMOMENT, do accept and encourage volunteer works and activities in response to the need of less fortunate such as those victims of crime, calamity, and any incident that may cause loss.

Just as the early Christians in the book of Acts has shown to the general public, that is, no one has become in need because every do not just provide materially, also does volunteer service.

You may take part in this.

September 24, 2023  |  In  collaboration with the Ministers and leaders of the local congregations, with Bro. Crisanto Pallera and Bro. Carl Patrick Ballesteros of Butuan City Church of Christ leading the conduct of the fellowship. After months of prayer and preparations, by the grace of God, the very first joint fellowship of the Churches of Christ from Magsaysay Misamis Oriental, and Agusan del Norte was a great success. Though due to financial constraints and pressing concerns, there were few who were not able to attend, the event was attend by almost 200 individuals.

In the event, the leaders from BCCC presented and asks for prayers for the church building project. To which, the design (see picture below) is an original concept creation of Bro. Joey Arles Vergara.

Volunteerism: 1st Joint Fellowship of Northern Misamis and Agusan Churches

Evangelism: Students Send-off  2023 at Taligaman Church of Christ

August 23, 2023  |  In  collaboration with Bro. Jake Dalida, the minister at TCoC, a "Send-off to School Youth Fellowship" was conducted at the chapel of Taligaman Church of Christ.

The activity was aimed at encouraging the youth to be better at school, at home, and to improve in their walk with the Lord. Below was the sequence of the short program:

Mentoring: Couple's Retreat resource person at BCCC

August 20-21, 2023  |  Bro. Jao and his wife Sis. Fier took part in the Couple's Retreat organized by their sending locale church, the Butuan City Church of Christ (BCCC).  The event was spearheaded by BCCC's Events Ministry.  Together with Ballesteros couple and Pallera Couple as co-facilitators, the event was God-glorifying as the events was primarily designed to rekinlde and revisit God's overall design of marriage.

Mentoring: Collaboration with Men Ministers and Servants in Acapella congregations of Caraga Region, Philippines

August 19, 2023 |  In the mission to further establish stronger collaboration and relation with brothers in Christ, who are ministering varipous congregations within Caraga Region, Bro. JAO joined the semi-annual men's fellowship hosted by Ampayon Church of Christ. The event was attended by almost 100 men, coming from 17 congregations. The event was also graced by few evangelists from Luzon and Visayas.

Asisstance: Visit at Church of Christ at Iligan City

September 2022 | SEEDSmoment representative, Bro. JAO, made a visit to the brethren in CCIC to encourage the brothers and sisters, and most especially, a brethren to step-up for greater work in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Evangelism: Installation of Locale Church Leaders

April 2022 | SEEDSmoment representative, Bro. JAO, made the initial visit to a local church in Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental. The ordinary visit became a bi-monthly visit to further encourage the brethren because they did not have a formally-installed pastor for few years already. 

After almost 5 months of constant visit, teaching, and encouraging, the congregation has once again become more eager to do more for the Lord. And by God's Grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit, Brother Allan Pagaran who was keeping the Lord's flock for almost three years, has finally step on the challenge.  On their 47th year local church anniversary, brother Allan Pagaran has officially been installed to the office of the church pastor.

Evangelism: Bible Distribution

June 2021 | Part of watering the seeds of spreading God's word is giving of Bibles. These Bibles were given to the household in Brgy. Taligaman, Butuan City who did welcomed the volunteer of SEEDSmoment for household Bible studies.