What is the structure of the New Testament Church Leadership? Why is this important?
What is "the Church"?
According to Matthew 16:18 and, Jesus told his disciples that He will build His Church, so, generally it can be called "Church of Jesus Christ". Jesus established a spiritual Kingdom that will never be destroyed; a kingdom whose members are all who believe and trust in Him and obey Him. It is only right that if Jesus designed this eternal kingdom, and made a way through His sacrifice on the cross for people to enter His Kingdom, that He also gave instructions detailing how the earthly part of His kingdom must act and be organized. And He did it according to the New Testament.
Who is the Head of the Church of Jesus Christ?
This is the church of Jesus Christ, so, He is the head of it. He built it. No one person has the authority to sit as the head of the Church of Christ and change the organization that He designed for it. It is written in Colossians 1:18 and Ephesians 1:22 that the true followers of Christ are the body and Jesus is the head. If the literal body depends on the management of the head, the Church must take directions and commands only from Jesus Christ.
Who are the servants of the Church?
According to Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 12:28, the Lord organizes the offices of the chosen people for the management of the Lord's people. He performs the duties of apostles, prophets, evangelists, elders (pastors/elders), and teachers. Although the duty of a deacon is not specifically mentioned here, it is also an important role, which is mentioned in other parts of the Bible. All these duties are designed to equip the saints (the saved), to guide and train others in the ministry of the Church, and to strengthen (edify) the body of Christ (Christians). So the following important things should be observed:
The duties of the apostle and prophet were designed to help the Church in the years after the death of Jesus, those who had not yet completed the New Testament. So, they are gone now because they are complete
The leaders of the Church should not usurp authority from Jesus Christ, they are only watching to ensure that the teaching of Jesus for the Church is implemented and followed. (1 Peter 5:1-2)
Elders, deacons, and teachers are positions held within each local congregation only, not positions of authority in the worldwide Church. Because of that, the only authority in the whole world of the Church is Jesus Christ himself; in that way, each local Church of Christ has autonomy, meaning that no other Christian has the right to interfere except for the local one except for Jesus Christ alone (1 Peter 5:3-4).
What are the roles and responsibilities of each office?
Evangelists: Evangelists are ordained preachers of God's word who usually operate outside the leadership structure of the local congregation. Evangelists often travel from one congregation to another congregation to teach the gospel, train Christians to do evangelistic work, and ordain elders or ministers and deacons locally. congregations. They work to support the efforts of the congregations of the worldwide Church (Titus 1:5). In todays setting, the Evangelist are called Ministers and/or Preachers. In some congregations they addressed as "pastors".
Elders: This term is used a lot in the New Testament such as pastor, bishop, overseer, steward, and presbyter. The elders are the spiritual overseers of each congregation, they are the "pastors/shepherds" of the local congregation. They are responsible for feeding (teaching) the members, they should be a good example, and guide the Church to fulfill the mission of Christ. A servant does not deserve to be an Elder if he does not have the qualities of being an elder as written in 1 Tim 3:1-7. As can be read in the New Testament, there is always a plurality of Elders in a congregation - that is, there must always be more than one (1) elders in a congregation. In some congregations, elders are also addressed as "pastors".
Teacher: Teachers are identified as male members who are educated in the Bible and are able to preach the word of God effectively. They are the men who, under the supervision or guidance of the elders, are responsible for teaching the Bible to the congregation in the worship assembly. The scriptures show that the average congregation in the New Testament had many teachers as we read in Acts 13:1. In modern setting, the teachers are identified as Preachers, to which some called them "pastors".
Deacon: The word deacon comes from the Greek word meaning "servant or minister". Men who fulfill this role are ordained to oversee the physical needs of the local Church. They operate under the guidance of Elders, and they are mature spiritual men with good character who have a heart to serve the brothers. To serve as a deacon, the individual must also be a person who matches the qualities and characteristics as written in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
Is it important that we follow this pattern in today's organization?
If you are convinced that the word of God is complete and nothing should be added or taken away, or changed, or ignored, then, it should be followed by the leadership structure of the church.
It can be read in John 12:48, Jesus said that the words he spoke are the same words that we will be judged on the last day. He declared that He was sent to share the will of God with man. If we believe this, then there is no authority or reason to change the structure that He gave for the Church, because it is Christ's Church.
It can also be read in Titus 1:5, Acts 20:17, Acts 20:28, Acts 14:21-23 that the management of the local congregation should not be just one servant, but many servants (plurality of elders and deacons).
But, if the local congregation is still small, it is understandable that it will be managed by a teacher/preacher/minister, together with at least two elders/pastors and some deacons. However, it will be one of the priorities of the work to equip the brothers, especially the men by teaching them how to live as an elder or deacon, teacher or minister.
Challenges of the Modern Church
In the new era, there are various challenges in the leadership of the congregation similar to the following:
Due to the lack of suitable men, Preachers (Ministers of God's Word) have become "Jack of all trades". They function in the office of Evangelist, Elder, Deacon, and Teacher. This can only be understood if the local congregation has just started or is a small member. However, it is not healthy when the number of members increases and there is a lot of work. The Preacher will be overwhelmed with work. That is why men and fathers must strive to be worthy of the office of Elder or Deacon.
Due to the lack of knowledge or not being taught what the New Testament Church leadership structure is, some who stand as "preachers or ministers", even though they have not yet qualified as Elders or Evangelists, they stand above even elders or deacons. It is dangerous because apart from being against the New Testament Church Leadership, it is a sabotage of the duty of Evangelists, Elders and Deacons. It should be understood by every member and leadership of the congregation, that there is no one above the leaders except Jesus Christ alone. In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ himself teaches that whoever considers himself superior, will be the lowest servant (Matthew 23:11). All in office, equal servants.
Due to the push of the so-called "Women Empowerment" in the world, there are some women who are placed or want to occupy the office of Elder, Deacon, or Minister. It should be understood that NOT placing a woman in the office or position of Elder, Deacon, or Minister, is NOT demeaning or undermining the gift and virtue of women. It is an obedience to the commandment of God. (1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:12)
The Role of Women in the Congregation
The limitations of women's roles in the Church that is said to be discrimination, it was created only during the 21st century, but we must recognize that it does not show the inferiority of women; but, instead, accepting and inviting it to God's right. Opposing it, it seems like people doubt the will of God on how to strengthen the leadership of His Church. Comparing the structure of the local Church governance to the Godhead, and its explanation of what happened to Adam and Eve, it only shows that gender is not an issue in Biblical times and in modern times. It is really about God's will that the management of the Church, is similar to Jesus being the Head of the Church. That the husband is the head of the wife.
True, there are women in the New Testament who are called "servants", like Phoebe (Romans 16:1). Which should be asked - is Phoebe just a servant of the Church like most of the members, or is she a deacon of that Church?
In fact, it is difficult to say that this question could possibly divide the Church. In the history of the Church, there was a woman deacon called in 112 AD. In the following years, we find them mentioned in the writings of Clement of Alexandria and Origen of Alexandria, and we know that the female deacons did the same thing that the male deacons did – they cared for the widows and the poor. They also helped baptize girls.
Some say there are women deacons, some say there aren't. It is important to understand that every time the leadership of the local congregation disagrees, make sure that the goal of everything to be done and decided is not to divide, but to unite. If we go back to what was written in 1 Timothy 3, it only speaks of deacons who are husbands, but, if we take into account that in the first century, there were women who served as deacons, there are some things which should be observed:
It is appropriate to allow everyone, whether male or female, to use their qualities or gifts that come from God, for the glory of God. Especially in things that have nothing to do with teaching in the joint worship every Sunday.
It is not appropriate to risk doing things especially if it violates the scriptures or threatens the safety of each one and the unity of the congregation.
And so, based on these things that should be observed, it is better that in every congregation this is the approach:
If possible, only men will be placed in the office of deacon. And their wives, they will be equal to their responsibilities. This is similar to the ministry of Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-4, 24-26, Romans 16:3). And it is also appropriate that the deacon's wives who can be their companions in the ministry, can also be seen in the qualities mentioned in I Timothy 3:11. Those wives, like their husbands, must be worthy of respect. They are not slanderous women — they do not gossip or speak ill of people. They are women who are serious and honest in everything.
Lastly, we don't see any women in the first century doing the work of Elders, Pastors or Ministers.
To put a woman in office
It is written in Titus 2:3 that mature women should teach especially to young women. This shows that there are circumstances where a female Teacher must be present. It cannot be denied that there are even women who are better teachers than men. However, we should also not ignore what happened in 1 Timothy 2:12, where, it is not allowed for women to teach over men nor the woman have a higher duty than the men.
And as part of the plastering of the legal operation of the local congregation, if the local congregation takes the step for registration with the world government, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), it is possible that in relation to the legal office some women may be allowed to serve legally, especially if the number of qualified men is insufficient, based on the government's requirement.
If registration is necessary, and there are not enough men to become officers, it is possible to appoint a woman who is legally qualified. Better if she is the wife of an elder, deacon, pastor/minister. However, it should be clarified that these officials, their duty is only for legal aspects. The spiritual management of the congregation is only in the spiritual leaders (elders, deacons, pastors/ministers).
There is no one above each member of the body as all are under the Lordship/Headship of Jesus Christ.
The Bible does not agree that only the Preacher/Ministers plans, decides, and implements things in the local congregation. It is necessary that all the elders, deacons, and members agree on the plan and activities.
Those who are in charge of managing the work are servants not superiors. This is because there is no government in the Body of Jesus Christ. And above all there is no one called Head Office of Headquarters in this world.
The dynamics of the work of the local congregation is based on love, for the glory of God. And things are done on the basis of unity, not division.
Implementing a Church government that is like a human government, will only create problems and heavy consequences.
It is best if everyone in the Church serves, whether they are assigned to an office or not.
Evangelists/Ministers/Preachers are not constrained in one local congregation, while Elders/pastors/Deacons functions only within a local congregation.
Constituting a governing board may be observed if government regulations so do require. BUT, the board DOES not necessarily dictate the spiritual operation of the congregation, unless otherwise, a board a member is an Elder/pastor/Deacon/Preacher/Minister/Teacher.